Helping Professionals Process Group
Helping professionals are those of us who chose helping, caregiving, healing as their vocation: such as therapists, doctors, nurses, social workers, and teachers.
This group offers a platform to explore experiences and difficulties, challenges that helping professionals encounter in their profession through a Jungian perspective.
The group is semi-curated, with each meeting comprising a learning part where the facilitator presents a topic related to the helper role, followed by a processing where participants can share, reflect on their experiences as a helper such as the ethical issues they run into and the impact of their helper role on their personal life.
What will this group help you achieve?
The purpose of meetings is to encourage helpers to:
Adopt a new perspective (Jungian) on their role as a helping professional
Learn using Jungian tools, working with symbols, such as dream work and fairy tale interpretation in the exploring of their practice
Reflect upon the challenges of helping, healing or caring for someone
Explore the unconscious dynamics and patterns related to their helper role
Reflect upon the difficult feelings such as guilt, fear, and resentment
Become conscious of the impact of their helper role outside of their profession
Share their experiences in a safe environment, explore ethical dilemmas, and conflicts in a group setting
Is this group for you?
This processing group is ideal if:
- You would like to explore issues related to your helper role with the use of Jungian concepts
- You need a safe space to share and explore your helper-role-related conflicts, ethical dilemmas
- You suffer from your helper role overruling your life – such as irreciprocal relationships and isolation
- You have difficulty focusing on your needs and often feel exhausted or depleted – you are on the verge of burnout, or you had it in the past
- Your helper role extends to your private life
- You suffer from the power dynamics in your role as a helper
- You neglect your social, and family life
Group details
When: Fortnightly meetings on Mondays | 12:00 -13:30 Eastern time, 18:00-19:30 CET
Date: starting date to be announced
Where: online on Zoom
Group size: it is a closed group, and the space is limited to 8 people
Fee: CHF 50.- per person per meeting (or equivalent in Euro or USD)
Commitment: a 3-month commitment is required
Payment settlement: The payment can be settled with either a one-off quarterly payment or monthly payments – due for the 25th of the previous month.
At the end of each quarter, the group opens to new members (if there is availability). The group remains closed during the quarters (e.g., September to November)
Pre-registeration for the group
You can pre-register for the group by filling out the form below. When a starting date is set, you will receive an email to confirm your registration.
Your journey towards understanding and personal growth as a helper starts here.